New Releases

Skim Blood and Savage Verse (Offbeat Crimes 3) by Angel Martinez at Pride Publishing

Genre Gay / Paranormal / Vampires / Psychic Powers / Interspecies / Erotic Romance
Length Novella, 137 pages/46801 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 04-April-2017

Book Blurb

Words damage more than just feelings as Carrington hunts feral books menacing the city.

When a ferocious book attacks Carrington at his own birthday party, he believes it’s an isolated incident. But similar books soon pop up all over town, menacing innocent people with harsh bits of poetry and blank verse that deliver damaging physical blows. It’s a frustrating case with too many variables and not enough answers, and the stakes go up with each attack.


With the help of his misfit squad mates at the 77th and the public library’s Rare Books Department, the missing pieces decrease but not Carrington’s vexations. His commanding officer rakes him over the coals at the beginning of every shift. His police partner has lost patience with what she sees as his delusional relationship choices and his inability to pick the right man in a vast field of two. City Hall demands that the books be stopped immediately. It’s enough to put a nutritionally challenged vampire off his skim blood.


Additional Information

Format ebook
Publisher Pride Publishing
Length Novella, 137 pages/46801 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 04-April-2017
Price $2.99 ebook
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