New Releases

Off on the Wrong Foot by Edward Kendrick at Fireborn Publishing

Genre Gay / Contemporary / Artists/Actors / Romance
Length Novella, 33243 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 26-November-2015

Book Blurb

Simon Jarrett is a well-known mystery writer. A play he wrote, based on one of his books, has been accepted by a local theater. Daniel Lowe is the theater's costumer. The first time they meet--in the elevator of their apartment building--neither knows who the other is. Daniel thinks Simon is a snob, while Simon can only see Daniel as a clone of his abusive ex-lover, Carl--although a straight one, he thinks.

They meet again at the theater and both are appalled, to put it mildly, to find out they'll be working together. Slowly, they begin to accept each other, but it isn't until Allie, Simon's friend, reveals to Daniel why Simon is so stand-offish that Daniel finally tells Simon he, too, is gay.

Will the two men be able to become more than friends, or will Carl's coming back into Simon's life drive them apart--or worse?

Additional Information

Format ebook
Publisher Fireborn Publishing
Length Novella, 33243 words
Heat Level
Publication Date 26-November-2015
Price $2.99 ebook
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